Polizeiethik / Police Ethics

Homepage Werner Schiewek

Werner Schiewek war bis Ende 2023 Lehrbeauftragter des Rates der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) für Ethik im Polizeiberuf an der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei in Münster-Hiltrup (DHPol) und Landespolizeipfarrer der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen (EKvW)

"Given societies that humans such as ourselves construct, I do not believe that we can do without a policing function and, as populations have increased and become more complex, I do not believe we can do without a professionalized police force. But for police to work effectively, there must be a general public trust in them, one that is based on a perception of their legitimacy.

(John Kleinig, Moral Injury in Law Enforcement. In: Cohen, Andrew I. & McClymond, Kathryn [Hrsg.]: Moral Injury and the Humanities. Interdisciplinary Perspecitves [Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory], New York & London 2024, S. 128)

"There is little disagreement among law enforcement administrators that upholding professional ethics is the most critical issue facing our profession. From recruiting and selection, through promotions and assignments, to training and field activities, not other factor weaves such a powerful web through every aspect of policing."

(Charles Bennet et al.: The Law Enforcement Oath of Honor. In: The Police Chief, October 1999, S. 24)

"Given how essential law enforcement is to society, it is surprising how little we really know about how it actually functions." 

(Larry E. Sullivan: Introduction. In: Ders. (Hg.): Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications 2005, S. xix)

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